Robin's Treehouse

Just a little tree where I like to sit and think.

Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hi strangers that are reading this, and if any people I know happen by then hello to you as well.

For some reason I want to say 'Today is the first day of the rest of my life' but that day happened a year and a bit ago, and won't happen again (I hope) for another eighteen months. But I still feel like I'm about to leap into the unknown and conquer the world.

Not that I want to conquer the world, it's a bit too messy for me, I just want to go tidy it up a bit, I mean we humans are sooo messy with our polluting and destruction. Silly humans.

What is sustainable development? I've been doing this subject in some (=1) of my lectures and it's really caught my imagination. Supplying the needs of today while not limiting the options of tomorrow.

Therefore nuclear power is NOT sustainable. Fossil Fuels are Not sustainable. And I could go on and on.

But we can't limit development too much, otherwise there wouldn't be any development and then we'll stagnate. It's not like we could convince everyone to give up all their luxuries and go live in a tent and grow their own food, and make their own clothes, and not destroy the only world we have.


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