Robin's Treehouse

Just a little tree where I like to sit and think.

Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Now onto the reasons this year is so much worse.

I was up till 5am, as in now, as in it's a lot later than I would normally stay up, but occasionally I would get up around this time.

Trying to catch the person who keeps setting off the fire alarm during the early morning.

Who said being on the warden team would be easy. It wasn't me. Wait did anyone say that? Probably not.

And my flat mates tried to take advantage. Four or five non-residents in my flat after midnight, that's double what's meant to be. I knew all the people, had met them and talked nicely to them at other times since at least 3 of those people spend a lot of time in my kitchen.

I won't moan about it not being fair. It's my job, and it had to be done. But I still dislike giving the hard answer.

I'm only human. A strange human to be sure, I like following rules, I go out of my way to make sure I'm following the rules. I also dislike people breaking those rules. No, I'm rabid about people breaking rules, especially when I already told them about that rule.

Small china figurine, large hammer. Hey look we have china dust.

I felt so good, and now I still feel good. Strange, normally after a night like tonight I would feel bad. I do... abit... But there's a larger part of me that's happy.

I can't like the job that much... Can I?


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