Robin's Treehouse

Just a little tree where I like to sit and think.

Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted, so I had better update.

I have coursework! Yay! ...And run away screaming. Both apply to me, luckily nothings due in till Dec, except for the thinking about career path thing that I have to do by Tuesday.

1. Career
2. Malaysia
3. Water resources
4. Environmental law.
5. Poster about ...surverying I suppose, but ours is about water. Group project...

Wow that's a lot of work to be done.

Anyway (1.) has to be done by this Tuesday, and is mostly done... Except I really don't understand it, and I'm terrifried of it so I'm avoiding doing more than I have to. (5.) my group wants to finish by Wednesday, and we are spending most of our free times Tuesday and Wednesday writing it up. Then we can design the poster.

(2.) should be fun. It's only 1000 words, but sounds really interesting. (3.) Will ...Confuse me. (4.) Will either go really well or really badly. Please be well... Please be well!

University is fun, and I have work to do, I just wish I knew why I'm sleeping so much.


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