Robin's Treehouse

Just a little tree where I like to sit and think.

Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

Friday, March 23, 2007

2 hours 12 minutes before I leave, that's 132 minutes... I won't say how many seconds... I won't... at least not here.

Malaysia! Panic! Terror! Excitement! Yayness!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

28 hours until I leave for Malaysia... not that I'm counting down or anything... just since there was 60 hours to go...

Currently excited. Tuesday night I was terrifried. Wednesday I was bounching off the ceiling, and having giggle fits about just about everything. Today... Well today I'm packing... or trying to pack.

Tis not easy to pack, and I hope I have enough money.

I don't have enough to feel safe, but with the way I usually (don't) spend money while on holiday... I should have enough.

I hope beyond reason I have enough.

To tell the truth I'm really bad with money, I either have so much that I can't conceive it, or so little that I worry that I won't survive the week, and yet I always do... normally with plenty to spare, except around Christmas.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

*Glares at blog*

I posted last week, after I finally retrieved my password, and now that post is gone, gone! all GONE!!!

Fav word this week/day/hour/minute: raconteur

I like English, I love English. Do you know why? Because the English language is our share of the loot from our pirate days, we stole words from virtually every language in the world. One of my English teachers used to say that the language we stole least from was Welsh as we only have a dozen welsh words in english.

Never a good idea to steal from your neighbours, they're more likely to want something back in exchange.

But raconteur has a latin/french sound/spelling to it I think. Rake-con-tier (Please forgive my terrible attempt at phonetic spelling.)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hey look, it's a new year with all the horrors that come with every new year.

Coursework, exams, summer job, then more coursework.

Well those are the horrors, I wonder what's new and good.

Games? Hmmm... not really.

Books... maybe, I remain hopeful.

Films? The silver sceen looks good this year, there's FantasicFour2, Spirderman3, Transformers, HarryPotter5 (will I, won't I? I normally do, just so I can rant about it... then again I know the music of HP4 off by heart even through I've only seen it once). And I'm sure there's more.

I wonder if I have time... I really want to see Erogon(sp?) too.

Then there's all the non-fantasy movies I want to see...

Good year for movies!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted, so I had better update.

I have coursework! Yay! ...And run away screaming. Both apply to me, luckily nothings due in till Dec, except for the thinking about career path thing that I have to do by Tuesday.

1. Career
2. Malaysia
3. Water resources
4. Environmental law.
5. Poster about ...surverying I suppose, but ours is about water. Group project...

Wow that's a lot of work to be done.

Anyway (1.) has to be done by this Tuesday, and is mostly done... Except I really don't understand it, and I'm terrifried of it so I'm avoiding doing more than I have to. (5.) my group wants to finish by Wednesday, and we are spending most of our free times Tuesday and Wednesday writing it up. Then we can design the poster.

(2.) should be fun. It's only 1000 words, but sounds really interesting. (3.) Will ...Confuse me. (4.) Will either go really well or really badly. Please be well... Please be well!

University is fun, and I have work to do, I just wish I knew why I'm sleeping so much.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Now onto the reasons this year is so much worse.

I was up till 5am, as in now, as in it's a lot later than I would normally stay up, but occasionally I would get up around this time.

Trying to catch the person who keeps setting off the fire alarm during the early morning.

Who said being on the warden team would be easy. It wasn't me. Wait did anyone say that? Probably not.

And my flat mates tried to take advantage. Four or five non-residents in my flat after midnight, that's double what's meant to be. I knew all the people, had met them and talked nicely to them at other times since at least 3 of those people spend a lot of time in my kitchen.

I won't moan about it not being fair. It's my job, and it had to be done. But I still dislike giving the hard answer.

I'm only human. A strange human to be sure, I like following rules, I go out of my way to make sure I'm following the rules. I also dislike people breaking those rules. No, I'm rabid about people breaking rules, especially when I already told them about that rule.

Small china figurine, large hammer. Hey look we have china dust.

I felt so good, and now I still feel good. Strange, normally after a night like tonight I would feel bad. I do... abit... But there's a larger part of me that's happy.

I can't like the job that much... Can I?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The reasons why this year is soo much better than last year,

I like my flatmates. It's strange isn't it, but one of the lads broke a mug of mine, and decided to buy me a new one. Isn't that just sweet? If he hadn't said anything I would never had know, I thought it was just an accident and i never expected someone would replace it.

I'm working on a great team, I mean they really are a good group. They can be annoying, but what did I expect? It's a team, not a marriage so I can put up with it if Laura and Rob want to pat me on the head, and make jokes that I'm so much shorter than anyone else.

I feel so good. I'm doing something I love. I made a good choice, what more can I ask? I made a good choice. and I'm happy with that choice.

It's autumn, a lovely time of the year, I mean between the rain, the wind and the thunder I'm in heaven weatherwise. I would prefer it to be colder, but you can't have everything.

And I do have an awful lot. But the most important thing is I'm happy. It doesn't happen enough, and I've been low for days, maybe weeks.

I'm happy. What else is there to want?