Robin's Treehouse

Just a little tree where I like to sit and think.

Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

Friday, March 23, 2007

2 hours 12 minutes before I leave, that's 132 minutes... I won't say how many seconds... I won't... at least not here.

Malaysia! Panic! Terror! Excitement! Yayness!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

28 hours until I leave for Malaysia... not that I'm counting down or anything... just since there was 60 hours to go...

Currently excited. Tuesday night I was terrifried. Wednesday I was bounching off the ceiling, and having giggle fits about just about everything. Today... Well today I'm packing... or trying to pack.

Tis not easy to pack, and I hope I have enough money.

I don't have enough to feel safe, but with the way I usually (don't) spend money while on holiday... I should have enough.

I hope beyond reason I have enough.

To tell the truth I'm really bad with money, I either have so much that I can't conceive it, or so little that I worry that I won't survive the week, and yet I always do... normally with plenty to spare, except around Christmas.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

*Glares at blog*

I posted last week, after I finally retrieved my password, and now that post is gone, gone! all GONE!!!

Fav word this week/day/hour/minute: raconteur

I like English, I love English. Do you know why? Because the English language is our share of the loot from our pirate days, we stole words from virtually every language in the world. One of my English teachers used to say that the language we stole least from was Welsh as we only have a dozen welsh words in english.

Never a good idea to steal from your neighbours, they're more likely to want something back in exchange.

But raconteur has a latin/french sound/spelling to it I think. Rake-con-tier (Please forgive my terrible attempt at phonetic spelling.)